The Power of WebSockets and in Real-time Applications

In the age of real-time applications, our ability to provide instant updates to users is a significant advantage. Traditional HTTP protocols are not designed for persistent, real-time communication, which is where WebSockets come into play. WebSockets allow for full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection, making them ideal for applications requiring constant data exchange without the overhead of repeatedly opening and closing connections., a JavaScript library, builds on top of WebSockets and offers additional capabilities like automatic reconnection, multiplexing, and broadcasting, making real-time application development more accessible and robust.

A Collaborative Google Sheets-Like Application

I recently worked on an exciting project where we developed a Google Sheets-like application for a logistic industry company, allowing multiple users to collaborate in real-time. The core feature was that any update to a cell would be instantly visible to all users. Moreover, when a user started editing a cell, it would be highlighted and locked for other users until the editing was complete.

Key Features Implemented:

  • Real-time Cell Updates: As one user updates a cell, all other users see the changes instantly.
  • Cell Locking Mechanism: The cell being edited is highlighted and locked for other users, preventing simultaneous edits.
  • Color Change Notification: The cell being edited changes color, indicating another user is working on it.

To achieve these features, we utilized WebSockets and for real-time communication between the server and clients.

Usage of WebSockets and

As WebSockets provide a persistent connection between the client and server, enabling real-time data exchange with minimal latency. This was crucial for an applications like ours where delays in updates could lead to conflicts or confusion among users. simplifies WebSocket implementation by handling the complexities of real-time communication, such as reconnection, event handling, and cross-browser compatibility. It also supports additional features like rooms and namespaces, which can be used to segment communication to specific groups of users.

Simplified Backend Code Implementation

Below is a simplified version of our backend code using Node.js and

const express = require('express');
const http = require('http');
const socketIo = require('');

const app = express();
const server = http.createServer(app);
const io = socketIo(server);

let sheetsData = {}; // A placeholder for our sheet data storage, once completed this will be sent to our document db.

io.on('connection', (socket) => {
    console.log('A user connected');

    // Handling cell update
    socket.on('cellUpdate', (data) => {
        const { sheetId, cellId, newValue } = data;

        // Update the cell in our data store
        if (!sheetsData[sheetId]) {
            sheetsData[sheetId] = {};
        sheetsData[sheetId][cellId] = newValue;

        // Notify all other users about the cell update'cellUpdated', { cellId, newValue });

    // Handling cell lock
    socket.on('lockCell', (data) => {
        const { sheetId, cellId } = data;
        // Notify all other users to lock the cell'cellLocked', { cellId });

    // Handling cell unlock
    socket.on('unlockCell', (data) => {
        const { sheetId, cellId } = data;
        // Notify all other users to unlock the cell'cellUnlocked', { cellId });

    // Joining a specific sheet room
    socket.on('joinSheet', (sheetId) => {

    socket.on('disconnect', () => {
        console.log('A user disconnected');

server.listen(3000, () => {
    console.log('Server is running on port 3000');


WebSockets and have transformed the way we develop real-time applications. By enabling low-latency, persistent communication between clients and servers, these technologies allow us to build collaborative, interactive applications efficiently. The project described above demonstrates the power and flexibility of WebSockets and in creating a seamless user experience for real-time collaboration.

By leveraging these tools, we were able to provide a robust solution that ensured all users remained synchronized, thus enhancing productivity and collaboration. Whether you’re developing a collaborative tool, a chat application, or any other real-time service, WebSockets and are a good option and is worth mastering.

The frontend implementation for this will be given in a separate article with the full ReactJS code.


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