Git strategy for different projects

Different organization have their own software products and engineering practices to support the development. Having a good repository management is key to having a great engineering process. However, in my experience in consulting organizations in digitalizing and adopting robust engineering practices, I have seen teams struggling to find the right repository management practice for their project or product structure. In this article I will try to provide recommended git practices for four common types of agile projects: internal projects with multiple teams, external client projects, multi-client products with different versions, and SaaS products with a single codebase used by multiple clients.

  • Internal Project with Multiple Development Teams
    • Project Characteristics:
      • Client: Single internal client.
      • Teams: Multiple development teams.
      • Release Strategy: Planned production releases, QA releases every sprint.
    • Recommended Git Practices:
      • Branching Strategy:
        • Main Branch: Use 'main' or master‘ as the stable branch where the latest production-ready code resides.
        • Development Branch: Create a ‘develop‘ branch where all new features, improvements, and bug fixes are merged before they are considered for production.
        • Feature Branches: Each team should work on feature branches (‘feature/feature-name‘) derived from the ‘develop‘ branch. This isolates feature development and minimizes integration conflicts.
        • Release Branches: Before each planned release, create a ‘release/release-version‘ branch from ‘develop‘. This branch is used for final QA, minor fixes, and preparing the code for production.
      • Merging Strategy:
        • Feature branches should be merged into ‘develop‘ via pull requests (PRs). This ensures code reviews and testing are part of the process.
        • Once a release branch is created, only critical bug fixes should be merged into it, usually via hotfix branches (‘hotfix/hotfix-name‘) if necessary.
        • After the production release, the ‘release‘ branch should be merged into both main and develop to ensure all changes are captured.
      • Releasing Strategy:
        • Schedule regular merges from the ‘release‘ branch into ‘main‘ to mark official production releases.
        • Use Git tags to mark specific releases (v1.0.0, v1.1.0) on the ‘main‘ branch for easy reference and rollback if needed.
  • main: Stable, production-ready code.
  • develop: Integration branch for all features.
  • feature/feature-x: Individual branches for each feature.
  • release/release-version: Preparation for release, includes QA and final bug fixes.
  • hotfix/hotfix-name: For urgent fixes that need to be applied after a release.
  • External Client Project Developed by One Team
    • Project Characteristics:
      • Client: Single external client.
      • Teams: One development team.
      • Release Strategy: Immediate releases after QA completion and critical bug resolution.
    • Recommended Git Practices:
      • Branching Strategy:
        • Main Branch: The ‘main‘ branch should be kept production-ready at all times, as releases are frequent and driven by immediate needs.
        • Feature Branches: Use ‘feature/feature-name‘ branches for each new feature or bug fix.
        • Hotfix Branches: Given the nature of immediate releases, hotfix branches (‘hotfix/hotfix-name‘) should be used for critical issues identified after a release.
      • Merging Strategy:
        • Merge completed feature branches directly into ‘main‘ via PRs after thorough QA. The simplicity of the project structure allows for this direct approach.
        • Hotfix branches should be merged into ‘main‘ immediately after the issue is resolved and tested.
      • Releasing Strategy:
        • Releases are tagged directly on the main branch as soon as they pass QA (v1.0.1, v1.0.2).
        • Consider using lightweight tags for interim builds or QA releases, and annotated tags for official client releases.
  • main: Production-ready, frequently updated branch.
  • feature/feature-x: Feature development branches.
  • hotfix/hotfix-name: Branches created to fix critical issues immediately after a release.
  • Multi-Client Product with Different Versions
    • Project Characteristics:
      • Clients: Multiple clients on different versions of the product.
      • Teams: Several teams working on various product areas.
      • Release Strategy: Versioned releases tailored to individual clients.
    • Recommended Git Practices:
      • Branching Strategy:
        • Main Branch: Use the ‘main‘ branch as the latest stable version of the product.
        • Version Branches: Maintain long-lived branches for each major version (‘release/1.x, release/2.x‘). These branches allow you to backport fixes or enhancements to clients on older versions.
        • Feature Branches: Each new feature or improvement should be developed in a feature branch (‘feature/feature-name‘) from the target version branch.
      • Merging Strategy:
        • Features are merged into the respective version branch via PRs. If a feature is applicable to multiple versions, cherry-pick the commits across the relevant branches.
        • Hotfixes should be merged into the version branch and, if necessary, forward-ported to newer versions.
      • Releasing Strategy:
        • Tag releases on the appropriate version branch (v1.5.0, v2.3.0) before deploying to clients.
        • Use tags and branches to manage client-specific customizations, if necessary, by creating branches like ‘client/client-name‘ from the relevant version branch.
  • main: Latest stable version of the product.
  • release/1.x, release/2.x: Long-lived branches for different versions of the product.
  • feature/feature-x: Features developed for specific versions.
  • hotfix/hotfix-name: Hotfixes applied to specific versions.
  • SaaS Product with a Single Codebase for Multiple Clients
  • Project Characteristics:
    • Clients: Multiple clients using the same codebase.
    • Teams: Multiple teams contributing to the product.
    • Release Strategy: Continuous deployment with feature toggles or configurations for client-specific customizations.
  • Recommended Git Practices:
    • Branching Strategy:
      • Main Branch: Use ‘main‘ for the latest production-ready code. Given the continuous deployment model, the main branch should always be stable and ready for release.
      • Feature Branches: Develop features in isolated ‘feature/feature-name‘ branches, using feature toggles or flags to manage client-specific functionality.
      • Environment Branches: Optionally, use branches like ‘staging‘ or ‘pre-production‘ for testing in environments that mimic production.
    • Merging Strategy:
      • Merge feature branches into main after testing and code review, ensuring all feature toggles or client configurations are correctly implemented.
      • Use environment branches for additional testing stages if your deployment pipeline requires it.
    • Releasing Strategy:
      • Deploy directly from the ‘main‘ branch using automated CI/CD pipelines.
      • Tag major releases for easier rollback (v3.0.0, v3.1.0), and use feature flags to manage rollout across different clients.
  • main: Single codebase ready for production deployment.
  • feature/feature-x: Branches for feature development, often managed with feature toggles.
  • staging: Optional branch for additional testing before production deployment.

General Git Best Practices

  • Commit Often and Meaningfully: Make frequent, small commits with descriptive messages to improve traceability and collaboration.
  • Use Pull Requests: Even for small teams, PRs encourage code reviews and discussion, leading to higher code quality.
  • Rebase with Caution: While rebasing keeps a linear commit history, avoid it on public branches to prevent conflicts.
  • Automate Testing: Integrate automated tests into your Git workflow to catch issues early and maintain code quality.
  • Documentation: Maintain clear documentation on your branching and release strategy to ensure all team members follow the same practices.

Well I hope above gives teams trying set up a repository management strategy to match their project / product, some guidelines.


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