Category: Javascript

  • Using Theme to supercharge React Projects : A Quick Guide

    Let’s talk theme files—the secret sauce to keep your React project’s styling clean, scalable, and, well, just plain fun. Imagine this: you’re neck-deep in a React app, and your styling is scattered across components. One tweak to your color palette, and you’re knee-deep in dozens of CSS changes. Enter the magic of theme files. They…

  • Introduction to most commonly used React Hooks

    React Hooks are functions that allow you to use state and other React features without writing a class. Introduced in React 16.8, they provide a powerful and simpler way to manage state, handle side effects, and reuse logic across components. In this article, we’ll dive into the most commonly used hooks such as : useState,…

  • Advance Javascript : Lazy Loading

    In my previous articles I explained optimization patterns such as deboucing and throttling, in this article let’s do a deep dive into lazy loading , which defers the loading of resources until they are actually needed. This article will walk you through a simple example of implementing lazy loading in a TypeScript web application. What…

  • Advance Javascript: Throttling

    In my previous article I went through a performance optimization strategy called debouncing, in this article let’s go through an effective technique to manage the frequency of function execution – throttling. We’ll explore what throttling is, why it’s useful, and how to implement it with examples from both a console application and a web application…

  • Advance Javascript: Debouncing

    When writing applications in javascript, we rarely consider performance, however as the user base or application usage increases performance becomes a huge bottleneck for growth. One powerful technique to manage the frequency of function execution is debouncing. In this post, we’ll explore what debouncing is, why it’s useful, and how to implement it with examples…

  • Authentication Middleware with JWT in Node.js

    In any website or web application, ensuring that users are who they claim to be and protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access is crucial . One popular method for implementing authentication in Node.js is using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and custom middleware. In this article, lets explore how to create a middleware that authenticates users…

  • About Node.js Worker Threads and Multithreading Misconceptions

    Introduction Node.js is renowned for its single-threaded, non-blocking architecture, which is powered by the event loop and ‘libuv‘. However, this has led to a common misconception that Node.js cannot utilize multiple threads for concurrent operations. This article demystifies Node.js’s threading capabilities by introducing Worker Threads and explaining how they can be used for long-running tasks,…

  • Understanding Redux: The Power of State Management in React Applications

    State management is a crucial aspect of building scalable and maintainable applications. In React, managing state can become complex as your application grows. Redux is a powerful library that helps manage state efficiently and predictably. In this article, we will explore the advantages of a state management system, introduce Redux, discuss its pros and cons,…

  • Solving jQuery Version Conflict in the Same Project

    In a recent project I was leading, we faced an interesting challenge that I believe is worth sharing. Our legacy codebase heavily relied on jQuery 1.1.8, but we needed to integrate Google Maps into our application, which required a newer version of jQuery (at least 1.2). Rewriting or upgrading the entire application to use a…