Category: Node.js

  • Authentication Middleware with JWT in Node.js

    In any website or web application, ensuring that users are who they claim to be and protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access is crucial . One popular method for implementing authentication in Node.js is using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and custom middleware. In this article, lets explore how to create a middleware that authenticates users…

  • Understanding How WebSockets Work: A Deep Dive

    As a follow up to my previous project example of using , I wanted to do a deep dove in to WebSockets and the core behind WebSockets. In today’s web-driven world, real-time communication is becoming increasingly essential. Whether it’s for live chat applications, real-time notifications, or collaborative tools, traditional HTTP protocols fall short due…

  • The Power of WebSockets and in Real-time Applications

    In the age of real-time applications, our ability to provide instant updates to users is a significant advantage. Traditional HTTP protocols are not designed for persistent, real-time communication, which is where WebSockets come into play. WebSockets allow for full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection, making them ideal for applications requiring constant data exchange…

  • About Node.js Worker Threads and Multithreading Misconceptions

    Introduction Node.js is renowned for its single-threaded, non-blocking architecture, which is powered by the event loop and ‘libuv‘. However, this has led to a common misconception that Node.js cannot utilize multiple threads for concurrent operations. This article demystifies Node.js’s threading capabilities by introducing Worker Threads and explaining how they can be used for long-running tasks,…